Installing the GrabIt newsreader.
Before we begin we need to remind you that Grabit is a PC only newsreader and cannot be installed on Mac or Linux devices.
1. Download GrabIt
- To start download the most recent GrabIt release from its homepage.
2. Install GrabIt
- * Double click on the Grabit installer, select the folder you want to install to and your desktop or quick launch icons options.
3. Initial Configuration of Your NewsServer
- Now installed launch the Grabit application. On initial launch the GrabIt configuration wizard will appear. Enter the following information:
- Host: news.eweka.nl
- Username: your assigned username, you will find this in your welcome email as well as in My Eweka.
- Password: Your selected password. This is also the password for the Eweka.nl website.
4. Additional Configuration of Your NewsServer
- If you wish you can begin downloading at this point. However we have not optimized Grabit for your specific plan’s settings. If you wish to continue with configuration settings follow below.
- Right click on the Default Server, this is at the top of the left hand column.
- Click on Server properties.
- On the server properties menu you can update your newsreader’s settings.
- Hostname: This was set in step 3 above.
- Port: use port 443 or 563 for an encrypted connection and ports 80 or 119 for non-encrypted connections.
- Username: This was set in step 3 above.
- Password: This was set in step 3 above.
- Check the Encrypted server connection (TLS) if you chose one of the encrypted port options above.
- Max Connections: Set this to the number of connections for your plan, you can find this in your welcome email.
5. Click on to finalize your Grabit settings.